"'Engaging Shaw' is a charming romantic comedy...
The actors excel under Jackob G. Hofmann's direction. Great fun!"
The New York Times
"Jackob G. Hofmann directs the proceedings with a deft hand... Charming! 'Engaging Shaw'
resembles a lost Shavian masterpiece...
Very engaging indeed!"
"Jackob G. Hofmann’s direction is solid and nuanced. The players share dozens of small gestures and expressions allowing us the pleasure of personal discovery. The use of silence is particularly effective—a pause of recognition, time to formulate or repress reaction, internal dialogue. The tiny stage is well used—no small accomplishment."
"...skillfully written and beautifully directed...kudos to director Jackob G. Hofmann!"
The L Magazine
"'Blame it On Beckett' doesn't disappoint ... Director Jackob G. Hofmann utilizes the small staging area with imagination ... his players listen and react ... truthful ... the pacing is artful."
Woman Around Town
"The Abingdon Theatre Company production of John Morogiello's drawing-room comedy Engaging Shaw not only lives up to its title -- it's absolutely delightful, thanks to a scintillating script, agile direction from Jackob G. Hofmann,
and solid performances by an accomplished cast."
"'Blame It On Beckett' is one of the best shows I have seen in a long time. The action of the story moved forward at a perfect clip, which is to the credit of playwright John Morogiello and director Jackob G. Hofmann. The unity of the piece as a whole is a thing of beauty. The performances were so intensely physical, the characters so personalized and detailed, that it truly felt as though I were in a room with real people intruding on private moments. At times I sincerely forgot I was watching a play ..."
"From the beginning of the show to the end, Theatre Fairfield’s performance of “Authenticity,” written by John Morogiello and directed by Jackob Hofmann, had the audience completely invested,
gripping to the edge of their seats."
The Fairfield Mirror
“Jackob G. Hofmann’s new play, A Persistent Memory, is a gripping and emotional account of the experiences that mold human memories and the lasting impact they create … powerful … haunting…”
“Ingenious crafting…”
“An expertly structured piece …”
“Jackob G. Hofmann’s A Persistent Memory , exhibits impressive emotional and narrative depth in
a crisp concise production … a compelling, poetic narrative …”
“An absorbing new drama … skillfully written … cubist in thought and style … one vignette is
more interesting than the next…”
“A Persistent Memory is a touching story about dealing with grief that comes after loss…”
“4/5 stars … smart … engaging …”
"Hofmann exhibits a fine stroke of the pen ... pure comic gold."
"Interestingly, three of the eight writers have written ghost stories. Of these, Jackob G. Hofmann’s Tracking Gertrude Tredwell is the best conceived..."